programming language; part 1

— in which i propose a language concept

over the years i have attempted to make many programming languages, often it’s something very silly and esoteric like “lazers” (weird 2d language), that one regex replacement language (bad /// clone), or No Semicolon C (which isn’t really a language, but it’s language adjacent so i’ll count it here). However over the past 6 or so years i’ve wanted to make an actually useful programming language, and have thus rewritten it about 22 times (rough estimate). hopefully this time i can actually make a language!

this part 1 will pretty much just be me listing the silly ideas that lead up to this language & a status on my current progress (pretty much just lexing & parsing)

general ideas / goals

the language itself is called asyl, i might write about the origin story of the name in a later part of this series¹.

pretty much i want to make a “small” language (as many people probably do), and i really like the idea of not giving primitive types too much priority over user-defined things, that includes things like

this leads to some sillier ideas such as

for actually writing the language, i’m using racket this time around because it seems to already implement most of the ideas of compile-time vs. run-time that i want with its idea of phase levels, as well as generally having a lot of language-building conveniences.


the file itself is parsed with bytes rather than unicode characters, and my tokens are as follows:

the actual lexer itself is just some handwritten input-port-reading nonsense but works rather well.


for parsing i wanted to try out brag, which lets me write a

#lang brag
block : stmt ';' block
      | stmt
      | ∅
stmt : "fn" [s-ident] '(' table ')' stmt
     | '@' expr stmt
     | expr stmt-tail
stmt-tail : expr stmt-tail
          | '.' expr-dot ['(' table ')'] stmt-tail
          | '.' '(' table ')' stmt-tail
          | ∅
expr-dot : '@' expr expr-dot
         | expr-head
expr : "fn" '(' table ')' expr
     | '@' expr expr
     | expr-head expr-tail*
expr-head : s-ident
          | s-string
          | ':' s-ident
          | '{' block '}'
expr-tail : '(' table ')'
table : table-key ',' table
      | table-key
      | ∅
table-key : expr ':' block
          | block
          | '.' [ block ]
; to generate specific ast nodes
s-ident : IDENT
s-string : STRING

and it sets up all the parsing for me automatically, so i just give it a list of brag tokens and it returns some vague ast.

also yes, almost all of these combinations of .s, ()s, and @s are function calls, i’ll probably go into more detail once functions are actually being called.


problem is the ast it returns is way too verbose and also just a direct translation of the syntax tree, so i have an “unparsing” step that syntax-parse’s the strings, for example my current testing file contains

#lang asyl
fn factorial(let Number n, let Number t, ->: Number)
  if {n .<= 0}
    factorial(n .- 1, t .*n);
fn factorial(let Number n, ->: Number)
  factorial(n, 1);

which expands to these tokens

 (token-struct '@ "@" 11 2 1 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"public" 12 2 2 6 #f)
 (token-struct 'fn "fn" 19 3 1 2 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"factorial" 22 3 4 9 #f)
 (token-struct '|(| "(" 31 3 13 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"let" 32 3 14 3 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"Number" 36 3 18 6 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"n" 43 3 25 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|,| "," 44 3 26 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"let" 46 3 28 3 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"Number" 50 3 32 6 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"t" 57 3 39 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|,| "," 58 3 40 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"->" 60 3 42 2 #f)
 (token-struct ': ":" 62 3 44 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"Number" 64 3 46 6 #f)
 (token-struct '|)| ")" 70 3 52 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"if" 73 4 2 2 #f)
 (token-struct '|{| "{" 76 4 5 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"n" 77 4 6 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|.| "." 79 4 8 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"<=" 80 4 9 2 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"0" 83 4 12 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|}| "}" 84 4 13 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"t" 88 5 3 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"factorial" 92 6 3 9 #f)
 (token-struct '|(| "(" 101 6 12 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"n" 102 6 13 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|.| "." 104 6 15 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"-" 105 6 16 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"1" 107 6 18 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|,| "," 108 6 19 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"t" 110 6 21 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|.| "." 112 6 23 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"*n" 113 6 24 2 #f)
 (token-struct '|)| ")" 115 6 26 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|;| ";" 116 6 27 1 #f)
 (token-struct '@ "@" 118 7 1 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"public" 119 7 2 6 #f)
 (token-struct 'fn "fn" 126 8 1 2 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"factorial" 129 8 4 9 #f)
 (token-struct '|(| "(" 138 8 13 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"let" 139 8 14 3 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"Number" 143 8 18 6 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"n" 150 8 25 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|,| "," 151 8 26 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"->" 153 8 28 2 #f)
 (token-struct ': ":" 155 8 30 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"Number" 157 8 32 6 #f)
 (token-struct '|)| ")" 163 8 38 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"factorial" 166 9 2 9 #f)
 (token-struct '|(| "(" 175 9 11 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"n" 176 9 12 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|,| "," 177 9 13 1 #f)
 (token-struct 'IDENT #"1" 179 9 15 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|)| ")" 180 9 16 1 #f)
 (token-struct '|;| ";" 181 9 17 1 #f))
and this ast
 (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"public")))
  (s-ident #"factorial")
      (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"let")))
       (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"Number")))
       (stmt-tail (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"n"))) (stmt-tail))))))
       (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"let")))
        (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"Number")))
        (stmt-tail (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"t"))) (stmt-tail))))))
      (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"->")))
      (block (stmt (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"Number"))) (stmt-tail)))))))
   (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"if")))
        (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"n")))
         (expr-dot (expr-head (s-ident #"<=")))
         (stmt-tail (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"0"))) (stmt-tail)))))
     (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"t")))
       (expr-head (s-ident #"factorial"))
            (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"n")))
             (expr-dot (expr-head (s-ident #"-")))
             (stmt-tail (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"1"))) (stmt-tail))))))
             (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"t")))
              (expr-dot (expr-head (s-ident #"*n")))
  (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"public")))
   (s-ident #"factorial")
       (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"let")))
        (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"Number")))
        (stmt-tail (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"n"))) (stmt-tail))))))
      (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"->")))
      (block (stmt (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"Number"))) (stmt-tail))))))
     (expr-head (s-ident #"factorial"))
        (block (stmt (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"n"))) (stmt-tail))))
         (block (stmt (expr (expr-head (s-ident #"1"))) (stmt-tail))))))

and finally gets “unparsed” into

  (public (#%kw-fn
           (factorial (let Number n) (let Number t) (#%kw-dot -> Number))
           (if (<= n |0|) t (factorial (- n |1|) (*n t)))))
  (public (#%kw-fn
           (factorial (let Number n) (#%kw-dot -> Number))
           (factorial n |1|)))

to be expanded later on. “unparsing” is definitely the wrong name for this, but i don’t care, it sounds funny.

for the future

the next step to implement is some macro expansion system, originally i wanted to just use racket’s expander but i think now that the ways in which it doesn’t work from how i want it to means that i need to make my own. so far there’s pretty much nothing implemented there except for a giant comment with my ideas in it and a function that crashes.

already being my 22nd attempt, there’s a high chance it’s not my last, but so far it’s going along pretty well and seeming fairly doable as a programming language, although i don’t have as much time or motivation as i’d like to work on it. currently the implementation isn’t published online anywhere, but i might open-source it sometime soon once i can be more confident this language won’t explode anytime soon.

see you next month if i can get an idea for a post by then.
